Standard Mileage Rates Go Up in 2022
The rate by which taxpayers may compute their deductions for costs of using an automobile for business purposes will go up to 58.5 cents...

Congratulations to Michelle Mosby-Scott
Michelle Mosby-Scott was recently recognized by Family Lawyer Magazine for 2022. Family Lawyer Magazine and their sister publication,...

Shareholder Meetings Go Virtual
You can now phone it in! Effective January 1, 2022, Illinois law now allows corporations to hold fully remote or partially remote...

Annual Inflation Adjustments for Tax Year 2022
The Internal Revenue Service has announced annual inflation adjustments for tax year 2022. The new details on tax rates can be found on...

Happy New Year!
Many wishes for peace, happiness & prosperity in the New Year.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Allison & Mosby-Scott Risk Management is very thankful for our wonderful clients and terrific staff. Thanks for making this another great...

Colorado Bar Welcome AMS Attorney Derek Luster
Allison & Mosby-Scott is honored to announce attorney Derek Luster is now licensed to practice law in the state of Colorado. Colorado...

Don't Get Scammed!
When it comes to consumer scams, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure…because likely there may be no cure at all if you fall...

Don't Lose $500 Million! Manage Your Risk
If your business does not have proper risk management controls in place, it could happen, just ask Citigroup. Recently a court ruled that...

You've Decided To Close Your Business, Now What?
After making the hard decision to close your doors, it’s not as easy as just walking away. Unfortunately, the current pandemic and...